What is a Design Review?

Teamcenter Mobility PLM Design Review"Teamcenter Mobility PLM Design Review" by Siemens PLM Software is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Design reviews are meetings where the design of a project is critiqued. Almost everyone that has ever been invovled with a project knows the benefit of having a fresh set of eyes looking at a problem.  We have personally experienced what we lke to call the 'Fog of Engineering'.  After an engineer has spent hours working out all of the details of a project they send it out to be fabricated, only to realize after the fabricator looks at the project that certain aspects won't work as intended.

Innovative Problem Solvers allows you to have an experience industrial engineer go over the project with you and be that fresh set of eyes to the project. It may be something as simple as us asking the question, "How are you going to handle this condition."  At which point you realize that this condition hadn't even entered your mind, or by explaining how the system works you realize that it may not work as you had originally though.

How Does the Process Work?

It really depends on the situation, but typically we meet with your engineer and designers and have them pitch the process or system to us.  As the project is explained we will either make suggestions, or ask probing questions that make you think about how your system will work.  Usually either the system gets explained and the engineer's understanding of the project is reinforce, or when the question is asked you get a response that resembles, "Huh,  I hadn't thought of that!"  At this point a discussion and brainstorming session ensues where possibilities are brought up that can be examined and either integrated into the design or discarded.

How Much Does this Service Cost?

These sessions cost $75/hr flat rate.  They can be held online, or in person.  Contact us today to schedule a meeting.