Why Custom Software?

Do you have a unique process or problem that can't easily be solved by any main stream programs?  If so, custom software maybe for you.

Custom software is tailored to meet your exact needs..  This means that sometimes there are "canned" programs, software packages already created such as Quickbooks,  are available but do not completely meet the needs of your business. This is where custom software shines. 

Is Custom Software More Expensive?

This is a complicated question.  Typically the initial cost of custom software is higher than buying a product off the shelf. However, one must take into the account how much time will be saved by having a program that takes care of everything required. This must be contrasted to the off the shelf product that solves 80% of your needs, but leaves you to spend an unknown amount of hours trying to work around the things the off the shelf product doesn't do.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can solve your problems!